virus: Re: virus: Multiple meanings of faith

Re: virus: Multiple meanings of faith

Eric Boyd (
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:37:39 -0500


Reed Konsler <>: <<
People use the word "faith" to mean many things. Defining it as one thing or another for purposes of discussion on this list is futile if, in common discourse, COV members think that everyone has to conform to those definitions (or even to make distinctions across the same axes), or else be "irrational".

On the other hand, it is *very* useful to have absolutely strict definitions of words, as this give one the benefit of knowing what one is talking about. (this sort of topic is debated on the TCS list as well, but they have already *defined* their words in stone. They say if you don't like using the chosen word to mean what they say, substitute a made up one with the given definition, as it's the concept, not the word, which matters).

Perhaps we could all agree to some new words, with defined meanings? For the concept of "holding beyond doubt, or above reason, or in spite of the evidence", I think the word TCS uses is "entrenched" belief. (dogmatic belief is good as well, although I like the image of soldiers dug in for war...)

And to make people happy, we could just add faith=trust to the virian semantics list, on the understanding that it (the word faith) will not be used to justify an entrenched belief...