Re: virus: Killer arguments against religion?

Sun, 28 Feb 1999 14:21:32 -0800

Dave Pape wrote:

> Has anyone discovered any arguments that're particularly tricky for
> believers to escape from?

The combination of "Reason is the Devil's bride and whore," "The Devil will quote scripture for his own purposes," and "The Lord moves in mysterious ways," beats any rational argument for the non-existence of God; beats any example of biblical inconsistency; beats any collection of examples of what a petty, mean-spirited, insecure, vain, murderous bastard the Jewish/Christian/Muslim God is.

> Oh, excuse me: I just spotted someone I took a dislike to and, there being
> no God to guide my actions morally, I've decided I'm going to nailgun the
> fucker to my cellar floor.

Blast some for me too. I've got lots of pent-up aggression, but Quake and its shoot-em-up ilk make me tense, so I don't go there.