Re: virus: Conservative views

Fri, 12 Mar 1999 01:17:25 -0800

Bill Roh wrote:

> Here are some questions - I am interested in the opinions of the people
> here.
> Are American moral values getting better or worse?

Both and neither. The Evil Empire is in ruins and amoral Global Capitalism rules unchallenged. If US Racism were a corporation, it would probably generate a lot of investor enthusiasm with the anouncement of an IPO, what with record numbers of Americans spending time in the penn where safety lies in membership in race-based prison gangs and the war on drugs... blah blah blah, you've all heard me rant on that topic so I'll move on.

> Do members of the right political wing actually feel that they have superior
> morals than the rest of us?

I expect that they do. Seems to be a pretty common dillusion at all levels of the socio-economic-political foodchain.

> If so, what is the cause of this sense of moral superiority?

Us good; them bad.

> Is the right wing unduly paranoid? Or is the threat to their way of life
> legitimate?

Iceburg, dead ahead, but it's not just the right-wing cabins that will be filling with chilly water. I don't pretend to know how political power will be transformed in the next few years, but, like every other aspect of our lives, it will be transformed, and the "liberals" in Washington don't strike me as being any better prepared to surf the change than their right-wing peers.