Re: virus: US Aritmetic abilities proven to be non-existent.

the great tinkerer (
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:30:44 -0400

>9,855,000 deaths from gunshot wounds every year. No wonder you put an
>exclamation point behind that. Where are all these people coming from? Where
>are they all being buried? Given the annual US birth rate of only 3,891,494
>( ) and the total US
>population of 270,290,000, according to your figures, in 20 to 40 years, the
>US will have no population left...
>On the other hand, your death figure seems in conflict with the governmnet
>census reflecting a total of only 2,314,690 deaths per year - from all
>causes. I assume from your email address that you are an American. For you
>to provide figures like this where even a glance at them shows they are
>completely spurious is a very sad inditement of US education, and completely
>invalidates any claim you may have made to an ability to check research
>figures or to work with trends or statistics.

hey hermit, just as you love to prove her wrong, ive come to prove you wrong... the .ca at the end of her email means CAnada hehe :-)

>> From: Kim McCann []

~the great tinkerer