Re: virus: maxims and ground rules

Dave Pape (
Mon, 10 May 1999 00:28:42 +0100

At 15:46 09/05/99 -0700, KMO wrote:

>According to the CoV website, one of the current projects on the Virus
>list is assembling a set of maxims that we can all agree upon. Of what
>does that set consist at this point?

>Are we all agreed that consciousness is better than/preferable to

Subjectively I'd usually agree with that, unless I was going through one of my "consciousness is a bit of an illusion really" phases. Or one of my "I'm fucking tired" phases, actually. But then again, pro-conscious memes are bound to have a headstart over anti-consiousness memes, because people who enjoy comatose states would be less effective as vectors of memes.

What's the level of agreement on "there is no such thing as absolute, knowable, non-cultural-group-specific truth"? I think we should start our maxims nihilist & self-contradictory, then work our way up.