virus: Fractals and memes?
Fri, 07 Jun 1996 09:40:50 -0700 (MST)

I've been reading the mailings I get about memes for sometime. As I have no
one to actually discuss this topic with I felt I'd stay silent and observe for
a while. The thought occured to me that memes seem to be a bit like fractals.
The famous Mendelbrot set is simly a math problem with an iteration. In case
you don't know the formula it looks something like this X*Z(squared)=Z (you
plug the answer back into where Z would be, or iterate it). This produces a
two dimensional answer that is in a constant state of change based on what
point in the plain you are looking at. As you increase the value of Z (while
allowing X to be constant) you'll notice that Z will take fewer iterations to
spiral off to infinity. Conversley, if you use relatively small numbers
(.00001) it takes quite some time for it to reach infinity. Now for what all
this babbeling (I probably spelled that wrong) is for. It was stated that
memes "adapt". Could it also be stated that a meme exists for longer, in
proportion to the lower the state of change it creates? Did this make sense?
A radical meme would push itself out of extinction, because of the state of
change it creates. So a new meme would have to take its place, hence the old
meme dies. Is this even close? Or have I just entertained you with
meaningless drivel? Rant's, raves, questions or comments.. let me know. <:-)