Re: virus: Real World?
Wed, 15 Jan 1997 22:51:56 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997 wrote:

> Alex Williams wrote:
> > Drakir:
> >
> > > Yeah, I understand that, but what I mean is where does the universe on the
> > > right exist, without intruding on the universe on the left. If they
> > > inhabit entirely different points of space /outside/ our own universe,
> > > then I can see that it could exist, but then there would be the problem
> > > of moving this "new" universe through massive ammounts of space in an
> > > infintesimal space of time (excuse the phrasing :). Therefore the only
> > > other option is for the new universe to co-exist within the same space
> > > as the old universe. If all dimensions interact (like space-time for example)
> > > then surely there would be no way to separate matter from our dimension and
> > > matter from another.
> >
> > Yes, entirely different points of space outside our (linear) universe.
> > You /don't/ move anything when it splits off, of course, they simply
> > spring, fully formed into being.
> Surely, though, there has to be the transmission of *all* the information in
> the Universe from where it was originally to the this new universe, up to
> the point at which the quantum event that caused this split occurred. This
> would require time (see: a lot of... ;), and mean that the new universe would
> be a number of millenia behind our own on linear time.


The concept of "time" here, is irrelevant. You appear to be thinking of
some sort of "metatime", and I'm not sure that's relevant either.

> > At every branching this parallel
> > universe (or these universi) come into being like branches splitting
> > off of a twig. Don't think of it as an analog process, like
> > macrocosmically observable phenomena, its a discrete phenomena.
> How is it decided whereabouts outside our universe the new one is to form?
> I'm imagnining our universe as being like a balloon, and the "nothingness"
> outside it as being a /very/ large hall, or somesuch. Do other universes
> (according to this theory) just appear as such a model, or are they maybe
> put back to back, each changing shape to accommodate the other. And if this
> is the case, can there be travel between universes? If not, why not?
> I realise the questions above are really really difficult to answer, but
> I thought I'd ask anyhow :)

That's a fairly good way of squashing infinite dimensional space into
visualization. Keep it.


> > For example, it takes significant energy
> > for me to broach my transportation in our fourth dimention, time; even
> > then, I can only affect it by compressing the relative passage of my
> > time and another reference frame's.
> But do you as an individual put energy into time travel? We all travel through
> time, just in one direction and at a [subjective idea] constant speed. As far as
> I'm aware, you have no choice but to travel through time.

I'll bring in some ideas from Wheeler's "Gravitation" [text on General

Forget subjective idea. We *do* travel foward in "proper time" at a
constant speed--indeed, all objects period. When this is forced into our
perceptual map, this shows as two parts: a change in spatial position,
and a change in when one is [we travel through time, in the usual sense.]

/ Towards the conversion of data into information....
/ Kenneth Boyd