Re: virus: Angelica de Meme

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 11:49:59 -0700 (PDT)

> >> (3) Do we believe we are capable of knowing this reality?
> >>
> >> Fine with me. Do we?
> >
> >No, absolutely not. That's why I wanted to clarify. Stated in
> >this new way, that's Rand's axiom, and is utter nonsense.
> Does "utter nonsense" mean you are capable of knowing it with certainty
> that it is such nonsense?

No, it only means that I choose to bet my life on it, that's all.

> Why is it important WHO said it? If one concentrates on WHO, one tends to
> bring history of what happened and forget about what one wants to find out.

It's not at all. I was just trying to guess your motivations, and
was probably wrong.

> >To "know"
> >something with certainty is to deny that empirical falsification of
> >the assertion is possible, and can only be true of meaningless
> >tautologies.
> How can it be empirically falsified or proven that we are capable of knowing
> reality? That's where we need an axiom -- something we cannot prove one way
> or another.

Isn't that what I just said? It /can't/ be empirically falsified that
we are capable of knowing reality. We can /learn about/ it, and we can
make rational judgments about it, and we can increase the confidence in
our understanding to a very high degree, but never to certainty. That
doesn't bother me at all--I seem to live a complete fulfilling life
without the need to claim certainty, so I don't see why people are so
willing to resort to taking axioms or faith seriously rather than as the
provisional working models they are.

> Claiming that one is "capable of knowing" is not the same as claiming that
> one is "capable of knowing with 100% certainty"? The reverse of the former
> is "not capable of knowing" when the reverse of the latter is "capable of
> knowing with some, between 0 and 1 certainty".

If you have another meaning for the word that has a genuine referent in
reality, then please enlighten us.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>  <>
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