Re: virus: Checksums for Faithfulness of Memes

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 21:54:10 -0700 (PDT)

> In information communications, a checksum is . . .
> Could we use something similar to ensure that memes transmit more
> faithfully and mutate slower?

1. "in other words..."
2. "which is not to say that..."
3. "as you can see from..."
4. "as Jefferson once said..."
5. "contrary to what you might think..."

All these phrases introduce meme error-correction mechanisms, used to
fend off possible misinterpretation of the ideas expressed with them.
(1) tells the listener to find a meaning that matches both phrasings.
(2) tells him to rethink his interpretation of one phrase if it matches
another. (3) tells him to match the meaning of a phrase to a drawing
or example. (4) tells him that the meaning is probably typical of
what a certain known person might say, or can be clarified by the
context in which he said it. (5) tells him that the meaning might be
counter-intuitive, so find a meaning for which that is the case.

I'm sure there are hundreds of others, and we use them naturally.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>  <>
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