RE: The story-telling ape (was virus: Logic)

Brett Lane Robertson (
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 14:08:51 -0500

I certainly
believe objects exist. It is the "scientific thought process"
however that I am trying to debunk. (Chardin)


While I may be ignoring a lot of what is going on in a post in order to find
specific answers to specific questions...this is the meat of what I was
getting at. Chardin is "trying to debunk"--is deliberately destroying.
Why? She is against the "scientific thought process"--not science, not
scientists, the process itself. Certainly her comments about science are
valid points; but, I think she is failing to bring this to a conclusion.

What type of thought process is she proposing to replace the scientific
ones? What are the benifits of those processes? How can she lead others
into higher thought processes? I truely feel that Chardin is acting out her
Karma...she has been debunked for her thought processes and is debunking in
turn. When she balances her Karma, perhaps she will become productive and
cooperative instead destructive and argumentative.


Rabble Sonnet Retort
Everyone must row with the oars he has.

English proverb