virus: PSR

Brett Lane Robertson (
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 01:58:59 -0500

This from my post to another list:

"Do you follow the "meme" argument (that a meme is similar to a gene but
seems to indicate self-directed evolution)? Seems the sufficient reason
component to the PSR example might be the genetic argument for
evolution...that of chance recombinant traits and evolution in opposition to
chance through mutation. The genetic argument might be stated: if x <chance
recombination> then x; such that x is not equal x.

The sufficient reason for sufficient reason argument might be memetic
(chance recombination <x> ordered recombination; where chance recombination
is sufficient reason, ordered recombination sufficient reason for sufficient
reason, and x is necessary reason). Comments?"

Background: PSR (proof for sufficient reason) is an argument by Liebnez
which states that if something is proposed then sufficient reason for it's
proposal is all that is needed as proof of it's existence...something
like--given x, x either exists or doesn't exist, either way there is a
reason for x to exist or not exist...there can be no sufficent reason for x
to not exist so x must exist as sufficient reason for itself (I think this
is what it said. I translated: given x: x existent=x^1 and x
non-existent=x^2; either 1 or 2, neither 1 nor 2, both 1 and 2...not, so x).

We decided that there could not be sufficient reason but there could be
"necessary reason" (that is involving x but no 1's or 2's as the 1's and 2's
negate each other). But there may be sufficient reason for sufficient
reason (proof's for part of the a proof for the statement
Either god exists or God doesn't exist", the statement must exist in an
either/or form but could be argued for or against).

>From this reasoning evolved the formula for memetics above: "Chance
recombination <x> ordered recombination"; or chance recombination translated
through a memetic "necessary" mutates to ordered recombination.

I realize this is a lot of information and little background. If it peaks
some interest ask questions...make comments.



For a man to achieve all that is demanded
of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.

Johann von Goethe