virus: memetic "purpose"

Brett Lane Robertson (
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 01:53:06 -0500


A theory of memetics which is not in favor of will or emotion (indicators of
a mind virus):

The sum of all past experiences (individual and/or group) adds logically to
produce "meaning". This sum projected into a hpothetical future produces a
"purpose". This "meaning" and "purpose" as compared to and contrasted from
a present event produces "reason". Assuming that things might happen
perfectly, "reason" would be an adequate process to describe the memetics of
a person without proposing self-will.

Assuming that a meme (being without self-will) also follows this process,
a meme also has a meaning, a purpose, and a reason. Assuming that
"self-will" violates this natural process, self-will violates the logic
inherent in memetics. Assuming that a violated comprehension of a natural
memetic there is produced a cognative dissonence which (being ambivalent as
concerns a situation must be represented by emotion), emotion--as cognative
dissonence--is likened unto "disease", or dis-ease. All self-will therefore
results in disease and emotion is a symptom of this disease...this disease
is a mind virus.

The growth process in this theory is one of efficiencey...mass is converted
to a memetic language which records data in a more and more efficient manner (as
represented by a word, "everything" for example, becoming a code for all
prior language so that the inefficiency of multiple words for this encoding
is not only replaced by the more efficient word usage, but this word
becoming more meaningful encodes possible future circumstances in such a way
as there is less need for a purposeful use of energy as regards the future
moment.)* This results in "strenght" (or "fitness") as might be contrasted
from the "power" of a virus (if "power" is defined the use of willfulness to
change the efficiency of a future moment through the present in an
un-reasonable manner...or without sufficient reason).

Evolutionary development is consistency. Such that the process of growth
moves beyond merely the consistent continuence of efficiency and, in
addition, uses the "reason" of growth to organize the future moment in such
a way as to be even more
ameniable to memetic reason (that is to set up a future possibility which
avoids the
less efficient usage of a memetic language which does not apply to the meaning
afforded to the term "everything", for example). That is, if memetic growth is
reasonable, then evolutionary development is a process of "reasoning".

"Emotion" in this sense is not reasonable, and "will" shows that one is not
reasoning. But, there is more than ample room within the theory to explain
"motivation" (as "motivation" is contrasted from "survival").

* when comparing the inefficiency of the past to the efficiency of the
future, using the more reasonable present as exemplified by any particular
meme, the future moment is not only less formidable, but the reasoning
of the memetic language is more capable of addressing it...which thereby
the future, hypothetically, into a quantity which is more efficient than the
present moment (even if the present is at the maximum efficiency possible)



A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.

George Santayana