Re: virus: Two levels?

Eva-Lise Carlstrom (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 13:17:04 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, Eric Boyd wrote:

> I disagree -- this sounds so bad, I'm surprised you can even think it might
> be a good idea.
> It is precisely the multiple levels of Scientology that make it so evil --
> the suck you in with simple, common sense stuff, and then at the higher
> levels reveal the "less palatable" ideas.
> I think virion should be an open system -- everything we promote should be
> open to the public, and there are no "real" secrets. (it is possible that
> we could *use* the idea of secrets as a memetic ploy to attract attention
> -- having gotten members this way, we then inform them there is no secret,
> and thus show how effective a hook "secret" is!)

This a funny and catchy idea, and of high integrity as well. I approve!

> As for certificates -- yes. A simple test -- say, name two of the virtues
> and a sin, and define a meme, and explain why you want to be a member --
> and voila, you're a virion.

Of course, this would require that we agree on a definition. Does David
pick a panel to write the test, or what?

Eva-Lise Carlstrom, M.V.

(I like the title "Memetic Vector", since in fact *everybody* is one, but
only those conscious of the fact, and in those terms, would style
themselves as such)