virus: And what is a meme that we should be mindful of it?

Wade T.Smith (
Sun, 8 Feb 98 21:53:39 -0500

I am sitting on the following fence about this-

Either memes are part of the neural interface between perception and
memory, in which case they are only malleable by the disassociative
person, or they are part of the neural interface between memory and
behavior, in which case they would be malleable by the 'enlightened'

I am leaning much more to the first. The only evidence I have to dismiss
the second is it's abstractedness as regards neural theory. That is so
far sufficient, but not necessary.

Theories are theories.

But to me, there are no memes outside the mind, nor need there be. And
there is no mind outside the body, nor need there be.

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god." |
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