Re: virus: Bravado

Brett Lane Robertson (
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 14:07:55 -0500


If Prof Tim is saying that the encoded meme is decoded into a viral form
(that is, it is impacted by the environment) and that this "vector" is then
re-encoded by a second meme complex (which now includes the meme and its
symbolic interaction with the "meta-complex"--the shared environment
inclusive of multiple meme-complexes) such that the meta-complex is
contrasted from multiple interpretations of a "meta-meme" (the ideal
interaction of meme with environment exclusive of effect...that would be
inclusive of "one" perfect relationship); then, I agree.

But, it seems that Tim is saying there is no meta-meme and that all effects
of the "vector" (or *pattern*) which can be attributed to a shared set, or
environment, are null--such that (again) all effects are chance occurrences
about a perfect relationship, negated. Then, Tim is describing genetics
rather than memetics...attributing evolution (yet again) to chance
recombination and mutation.

In contrast: If the environment is considered as a shared meta-meme (or
meta-complex) and individual errors about this pattern are nullified through
replication and negation; then, the predominant "meta-meme complex" (the
meta-complex inclusive of multiple meme-complexes) could assert a "pure"
effect upon the individual's memes through their internal representation of
this meta-meme complex as ideal meta-meme(s).

This would require that the environment (either the meta-meme complex or
it's internal representation as meta-meme) has a self-ordering function.
That is what I am proposing: That the environment "settles" naturally into
more complex patterns--"complexification"--and that THIS pattern organizes
multiple meme-complexes into different energy potentials by which attempts
to (either successfully or unsuccessfully) modify the environment are
transmitted from one meme-complex to the other...compared to the
meta-meme...and encoded as a new memetic pattern (which similarly modifies
the meta-meme until a resting state is reached between internal
representation and modified environment).

This would allow for the encoding of deliberate changes upon the environment
into the meta-meme of the individual. A contingency that Prof. Tim's model
seems to disallow.

Brett Lane Robertson
MindRec ICQ "chat" UIN 6630756
Cahn's Axiom:
When all else fails, read the instructions.