Re: Meaning (was Re: virus: New Virus Page)

Tim Rhodes (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 17:35:02 -0800

David McFadzean writes:

> Robin writes:
> >I don't think W's take is necessarily better just
> >because it covers all 3, but it does have the
> >advantage of leaving out causation where is there
> >is no human (or sentient?) agency. So a canyon
> Why is that an advantage?
> >is not a "meaning" of a river.
> If a river creates a canyon you don't think the canyon is part
> of the river's meaning?

Sounds periliously close to intentionality on the part of the river, if you
ask me.

`Meaning' is man made. It is not a property of things themselves.

-Prof. Tim