Re: virus: magickal perspective

Lena Rotenberg (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 00:33:31 -0500

Robin wrote,

>My point was about the "mind/body problem": seems to me,
>quite genuinely, if anything is magic(k)al, then mind/
>body interaction is.

Perhaps, but in the past sunrises were considered magic(k)al as well.
Brain and medical studies have been connecting both concepts. But we still
don't know what, exactly, is responsible for self-consciousness. (Or I
think we don't, according to my last foray into the science of this stuff.)

>I don't! But for those that do, they have to explain
>the interaction. And the rest of us have to explain
>how come there seem to be minds and bodies, if we say
>there ain't. Which is where it really gets interesting,
>for me. "It's just an illusion" is not an explanation.
>But what is?

Let's not forget that 'mind' was a concept invented by philosophers far
before any brain studies had been conducted. The said 'illusion' could
have been caused by plain scientific ignorance....

>That's OK -- it was a good question! :-)

Thanks for your answers!

>Robin (the wannabe non-dualist)

lena (another wannabe)

Lena Rotenberg