Re: Meaning (was Re: virus: New Virus Page)

David McFadzean (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 14:20:59 -0700

At 07:01 AM 2/27/98 +0000, Robin Faichney wrote:

>In general, association between the symbol and what it
>symbolises. But look at what you've said here: it "means
>something to someone". And that's the point: all
>meaning is "to someone", ie is subjective. Sure you

I said that because I thought (correctly) that it is
common ground we can work from. I didn't say that
meaning is limited to symbols.

>can find regularities between the presentation of
>symbols to people, and their behaviour, and talk about
>that in terms of causation, but to say that all meaning
>involves causation, is not to say that all causation is
>meaning. Meaning is just one aspect of a very particular
>sort of causation, and it's a subjective aspect.

The only point was to get you to agree that meaning is related
to causality. Now, is meaning limited to symbols?

David McFadzean       
Memetic Engineer      
Church of Virus