Re: virus: Original Sin (was: Truth) <---- irony, no?

Wade T.Smith (
Sun, 29 Mar 98 10:01:08 -0500

>Shouldn't that read "Believing that there can be a right and wrong and
>that he has to choose, is man's primary blemish"?

Indeed. Remember, these things are always fables created by a
priest-class, endowed with the authority that their uniquely heinous
version of 'You're in trouble, only I can help' imbues.

That theology hacks have spent careers, lives, and otherwise wasted their
pitiable lives on the 'meaning' of these fairytales, well.... Let 'em,
keeps 'em in one place for when we're ready to drop the big ones.

The garden fable works equally well for anti-satanists, petty authority
figures, misogynists, and just plain fascists....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god." |
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