Re: Truth (was Re: virus: Language)

ECheung76 (
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 19:00:25 EST

To sodom (I wonder what it mean),

According to you,

I will agree that: For all practical purposes, mathematics gets closest to
of anything we have yet created. I will admit that it is close enough that I
willing to bet my existence (Which since it is all I have - being an Atheist -
is a lot to bet) that mathematics is an exceptionally close model of reality.
will fly on an airplane, trust my vehicle, take my medicine - all on the bet
that math is close enough in this frame of refrence. But like I said, it
on a certain frame of refrence. For the concept of "truth" to exist in my
it must be absolute. To me, truth is much closer to the concepts of good or
- in otherwords completly subjective. I will concede that mathematics is the
best model yet.

Here is my opinion,
I can't say math. is the best model of reality, it is the only verifable and
testable hypotheical model of reality we have (or all we can have). You way of
using the word faith is curious to me, it sounds lke you confuse several
things. First we don't have other way of moving ourseleves from one place to
another without the modern transportation means, so we have to use it. I bet
you won't calcalulate how reliable is a plane before you sit on one. We can
only have faith it is no longer belong to the demand of rational inquiry, in
other word, irration.

Euler the atheist,

PS: You trust something more just plain existent, like the train or modern
technology, but to trust is different from to have faith on