Re: virus: Language

Marie Foster (
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 18:11:18 -0800

Yours is a good addendum as I too really believe that we only perceive
ourselves to be separate. No I am not superstitious.


C.A. Cook wrote:

> Marie wrote:
> >Religion to me is just the way we frame our existence. I have skin that
> divides
> >me from what is "not me". Religion is what connects me to what is not me.
> I am
> >interested in what connects you to me. I know what connects me to you.
> I can't argue with this. I just possess the addendum that Religion doesn't
> primarily
> connect "me" to "not me", it connects parts of "me" to other parts of "me",
> with
> the second part being my map of the world. So, Religion does connect "us",
> but only if my image of "you" is accurate.
> BTW, are you superstitious?
> CA Cook, LF


Who in real life exists as

The Noble Lady Casey, Serpent's Hold, Sonoma Shard, Britannia