Re: virus: religion

Sodom (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 13:52:48 -0400

-Prof. Tim wrote:

> I wonder why you assume that others--those you disagree with--have at the
> source of their actions, some fear, when you obviously do not? Is it not
> more "open minded" to start without assumption and try to understand
> anothers viewpoint, without first concluding that it must be spawned out of
> some weakness on their part?

Yes it is, thats where I started, I arrived at fear through observaton and
study. Second - fear is not a weakness, it is an animalistic response. We just
climbed out of the trees a comparitavely short time ago, I dont expect others to
lose such an engrained emotion; I only expect them to keep iot away from me. I
realize that they are unable to help themselves in most cases, and when I have
attempted to help people get away from their fear responses, I have almost
always had catastrophic failure. I no longer try to convert people from fear to
reason if they show any strong resistance.
