virus: Exploits are great deeds to the doer....

Wade T.Smith (
Sat, 18 Apr 98 16:06:48 -0400

>In my mind, 'exploitation' -- of any kind -- connotes parasitism.

This ain't far off the mark with most definitions of 'exploit' as well-

[‹exploit tr.v.
1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage.
2. To make use of selfishly or unethically.
3. To advertise; promote.

Verb: To control to one's own advantage by artful or indirect means. play, manipulate, maneuver.]

If we rely on def.1, there is some room to move, especially if mutualism is invoked.

But while we can play with 'love' and 'exploit' we are nonetheless left with hollowness when the two are combined, indeed perhaps left with only lust and some sordid expression of it. We may dance into romantic love, but quickly draw back from that- something so personal and deeply felt at such a visceral level can only be exploited by a non-lover, there is only a raw inside and a weakness-seeking outside here.

And, true to my virion history, I would contend that spiritual rapture and love are kissing cousins, and I do not deny either, and further that the exploiters of both of these are the shamans, aka priests/clergy/therapists/self-help gurus/etc... who are not lovers, but indeed are haters- this is an aspect of religion and the religious that alienated me immediately upon observation, at an early age. That a child can love is perhaps the clarity of a society, that a child has religion is a clear falsehood.

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god." |
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