Re: virus: Angry young Men

Bob Seals (
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 16:40:19 -1028

Sodom wrote:
> Over the last few days i have been seeing a lot of what I call, and
> there is probably another name for it, "Angry Young Man Syndrome". It
> seems especially prevelant in the hacker society now, but I would guess
> that this trend is somewhat trackable. I wonder if in the 80s the AYM
> (angry young man) was the Heavy metal guy with chains and an "Im tougher
> than you" attitude, and in the 70s I was a kid, so I dont really
> remember aggression as a factor then so maybe some others can help.
> Perhaps in the 50s it was the dragster making, fight picking guy?
> at any rate, is the there a meme that leads to such behaviour? any
> thoughts?
> Sodom


There is a phenomena(meme) that exists that influences young minds
This meme is the need to belong to something bigger or larger than
life of the individual or self(an offshoot of the religion meme). This
"something" usually stands out from the norm(A meme) and indulges the ID
in self importance rife of "fantasy"(Not to say that Fantasy is bad,
there is a lot of Great Imagination there) novels. Other memes
of societal influence are felt by the individual to disempower
so this person joins a group they feel empowers their EGO
which could be violent or very anti-social. It could also be cultural
and dependent on geographical location along with educational background
and experience. Imagine that you are turned down or hated because
of the length of your hair, or hair color, gender and the color of your
skin and at such a young age easily led and influenced by others(Of
course if your aware of memetics and Psychology, less likely to be led)
And of course you don't have that "look" whatever the hell that is
Or maybe you don't have a pedigree in your genealogical records
and belong/accepted to/by the hippest and hottest intelligentsia.

Where do you turn? What would you do without any information
except experience to go on? That's the problem.
The possibility that you are just a curious Human being
wanting to learn and just be accepted by others in this
Civilization is overlooked because of our predatory nature
and need to kill "difference" metaphorically.

But if you are taught well by your parents to gather your sense of self
internally instead of by external factors and object orientation
You will have wisom someday,in other words your sense of self doesn't
come from the objects around you. If the self comes from Object
orientation then you are a candidate for the Mental Ward. Psychosis and
its cousins Depression/Anxiety do not care one bit who it destroys.
Society is pretty friggin sick. Look at its religions and
Criminal justice system and tell me it isn't so. Youth is wasted on the
young. The need to belong is an overbearing one.

At least that's what I think Sodom, and I just might be wrong,

Bob S