Re: virus: Silence

C.A. Cook (
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 11:32:04 -0500

Eric wrote:
>Yea, it's my understanding that this meme is pretty old. "The Tao that can
>be expressed is not the eternal Tao..." All Taoists probably host it, as
>well as most of the Zen Buddhists. I'm fairly sure that just about any
>mystical tradition will have expressed it at one time or another as well.

I agree on this. A great number of mystics hold this meme, or one like it.
I am not sure if it is true yet.

>As to whether it's actually a meme... probably. A most unusual one, for
>sure. Perhaps a good candidate for a memetic study?

Why not? Although, that was not the prime reason for my post.
I have begun to feel that <silence> can be a harmful meme. In my case, I
can think of several cases where I was going to say or do something, to try
and transmit knowledge, and this meme would pop up and convince me other

It might be that I have just been using this meme as a justification for my
lazyness, or to reduce my fears of sending a message that no one recieves.
Or worse, sending a message that becomes twisted to evil. I can see too
many perfectly good memes that have been changed for the worse, posssibly
causing harm.

This fear has stopped me from formulating and writing down my own
After all, if fools are going to rape my ideas, why let them?

CA Cook, LF

X The One Universal Truth: X
X Sometimes, you're wrong.X