Re: Re: virus: Is morality a meme? ...

RayHiggins (
Sun, 3 May 1998 21:34:58 EDT

>Nathan wrote:
>>It is, however, difficult to think of an evolutionary
>>advantage to memes which, for instance, require burnt offerings of food
>>or massive donations to charity.
CA Cook responded:
>From the view point of the priest-class, memes that require offering of food
>or donations are not only useful, but linked to their survival. That's the
>priests don't really care about your survival. They are more concerned with
>their own.

The link is not to "their survival" but the survival of their memes or more
accurately, the common set of memes that define their religion. People give to
priest to support their own beliefs as most people give money, support, or
other forms of offerings to people who support their own beliefs.

Ray Higgins "Believing is Seeing"