Re: virus: Archives

Nathan Russell (
Wed, 06 May 1998 19:42:57 -0400

Wade T.Smith wrote:

> >>The best memes will survive to reoccur anyhow.
> I'm just wondering how many inaccuracies are actually present in the
> above sentence...?

1. 'Best' - should be most evolutionarally suitable, and *that* assumes
that evolutionarally is the right word

2. 'will survive' - There uis no natural law which says for a fact that
all memes will survive - if there were, the human race would be long
since overburdened with old memes.

3. 'survive' - this is over-strectching the meme/gene alalogy. It is
also hard to define: the Ancient Greek myths still survive virtually
unchanged, but they no longer possess anyone transmitting them as
literal truth.

4. 'reoccur' - a meme is almost never transmitted exactly as received -
even if the communication in which it was originally received is
deliberately repeated verbatim, voice inflection, social influences on
the receiver, and the context will distort the meaning.

This list is mostly likely incomplete and shouldn't be consiudered an
insut against whoever wrote the orriginal message

-Nathan Russell