virus: Contact? One can only hope.....

Dr Sebby (
Sat, 16 May 1998 22:13:52 EDT

Sadly, I am short on time, so I shall be brief. It gives me a warm
fuzzy feeling to have found virus and a few other festering patches of
civilization. I'm sure most will agree that it is lonely near the pinnacle of
any species' evolution - and that those trite qualities...though so hard to
put one's thumb on, tend to create rifts of seperation seemingly in excess of
the one we find between man and dog.
A new nation? Surely many have wondered upon such a thing....Anyway,
one quick point before I sign off here( i shall be visiting again quite soon),
some of your concepts, though close, veeeery close! ---- , still bore a sad
resemblence to the "blindered-human-sensorium-and-time-frame-centricism-
syndrome" products such as mysticism and indeed; religion as a whole. In
other words, you had some pretty ridiculous dismissals of some significant
loose ends - they should have keyed you into some more fundamental concepts,
but apparently you missed them. But not to fear! When I have the time(soon)
I will correct you -- I trust your much esteemed sense of reason enough to
assume you will listen....for if you are rational and you listen, you will see
your errors. There are NO holes in my explanation(pretty hard to beleive
right there, huh), and you will be forced to adopt some slight changes...I'm
sure you will much appreciate it actually. Ta,