Re: virus: May 5, 2000

Dan Plante (
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 21:21:26 -0700

At 08:37 PM 6/4/98 EDT, FallAwake wrote:
>i dun tink so. furst wut is a "atheist". sekund i dont abyooz my compyooter
>(itz moar uv a myootooal relayshunship). also i brok the lawz uv theez
>"physics." (i think thatz wye i went to prizuhn) edyoocayshun is
yoosless (i
>getz payd by peepul hoo feel sawree). and i can not reed and right gud.
>~the great tinkerer

Gawd, is this ever funny. Kudos.

I especially like:
edyoocayshun is yoosless (i getz payd by peepul hoo feel sawree).

Gave me the creeps, but couldn't feel the goosebumps 'cause my gut
hurt I was laughing so hard.
