Re: virus: Politically Correct Physics

Dan Plante (
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 21:58:06 -0700

At 11:35 PM 6/4/98 -0400, Howard Rothenburg wrote:
>Politically Correct Physics
(big snip)

Shit. My gut hurts even more now. And I think I pissed myself.

Now /this/ is a bullshit-filter-meme that can /spread/. Any idea why?
It has to do with the part of mind called the limbic system (MOTIVATOR,
from previous discussions). People have to /want/ to read it. And when
they finish reading it, it makes the mind more receptive to the meme
contained within the satirical text if it has a positive limbic effect.
The dry, stuffy, eminently logical and precise stuff I tend to post
just won't cut it.

As a matter of fact, I'm printing it out right now, to take to work
tomorrow. I expect my social standing to increase after everybody
has a good time reading it (which is how this particular meme "hooks"
into the mind to maximize its fecundity). Cool.

Thanks for submitting this, Howard.
