Re: virus: Virus: Opinions?

Johnny Rea (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 07:42:01 -0500

loukas wrote:
>on a slightly unrelated note, the now traditional concept of hell as a
>place of eternal damnation, pain, suffering, fire, brimstone, blah blah
>blah.. is never actually mentioned in the bible as that. Instead it is
>merely, a place where people who dont want to be with God go and do their
>own thing(and for some the abscence of God is quite terrifying). And the
>hell of fire and little red devils came about from an association with
>Gehenna (a place outside Jerusalem i believe where garbage was burned).
>can anyone back me up on this? or at least point out the errors of that, i
>have yet to find the source where i first learned about this.

I can tell you that Mormons believe that 'hell' is the state in which you
aware of your sins and aware of the fact that you can't be in the same place
as your beloved Heavenly Father. Also, the sons of perdition are located in
what is called 'outer darkness' which is different than hell, per se.
Mormons don't believe in the actual physical fire and brimstone...but
your spiritual death and torment feels like your are burning...I dunno.