Re: virus: Church of Satan?

Eric Boyd (
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 00:04:11 -0400


"Michal Kulczycki" <> wrote:
> Aglohedonism means 'absolute egoism'

Are you sure? I'm skeptical. Egoism and hedonism are not really related.
Should the word be "agloegoism"? How about "algohedonism", after the greek
"algo" for pain?

> To be precise, aglohedonism states that all of
> everyone's movements and acts are results of one's need,
> in other words, even being 'good' not for profit can be
> explained by fulfillment of one's needs (eg. NICE feeling
> of being good).

Have you read "What is Man" by Mark Twain? That is his thesis. He does a
really good job of defending it, too...


> This word should be in any bigger dictionary, it is extremely
> hard to define it, due to my lack of proper words.

It wasn't in either of mine, which is why I asked...

> Feel a bit ashamed, I don't know Virian Sins & Virtues. We have
> our 'Sins and Virtues', they are described in "Nine Satanic
> Statements", "21 Satanic Points", "Nine Satanic Sins", "Eleven
> Satanic Rules on The Earth". I can post them if you want me to.

I've read them now, thanks. The forth Satanic Statement is about as close
as Satanism seems to get. Interesting.

Do Satanists have a version of the Golden Rule?

> Please allow me not to respond for the next three
> days - I have to pass an exam :-(

Take your time.