Re: virus: Virus: Opinions?

Nathan Russell (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 19:24:16 -0400

sodom wrote:

> In scientific terms it is called neurotransmitters. I suppose you dont know
> about them either. They are responsible for all the feelings you mention and all
> the others you dont mention. Basically they are brain drugs, like LSD

Acronym of LDS! Also, I realized that Mormon is one letter away from moron. Of
course, none of this has any relivance ;)

> or MDMA or
> Harmala or DMT. The only difference is that you get yourself plugged into the
> source of the best drugs, the brain, and you dont want to unplug for fear of the
> loss. You are addicted just like a junkie.

Note that junkies only spend a thousand dollars or so a week, they don't watse their
lives going door-to-door to force drugs on others, generally speaking. The same
phenomenon may be involved though: "You get that boy hooked and you got free H from
me for a week" vs. "Thou shalt spread the word to all the peoples of the Earth and
contribute to thine own reward in My kingdom"

Nathan Russell

"I am confident that the Republicans will pick a nominee that will beat Bill Clinton" -Dan Quayle on the 2000 presidential election