Re: virus: god to 13 year olds

Eric Boyd (
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 04:26:18 -0400


*I* wrote:
> << So god, then, is a symbol which I use to designate
> something out of the ordinary. >>, in a reply, asks:
> i am god?

That depends... are you living up to the capacity of your being? We are
all born equal -- but living seperates the wheat from the chaff. Are you
worthy of the title?

For awhile now, I've been noticing that I place people into two rough
categories -- those who have *potential* and those who don't. I can't say
just what makes me sure of which category each individual fits in, but
after an hour or two with them, I'm fairly sure of where they belong.

The way I seem to be able to tell has something to do with the "inner
spark" which I discussed here about two months back -- there are people who
don't seem to have one. I find these people hard to interact with - it's
all show and no substance, all vapour and no concrete matter!

There are others, yet, who have one but don't seem to realize it -- these
are the ones which I have a hard time deciding on, although I can
eventually decide whether the spark is comming or going.

The last group, those in conscious possesion of a mighty flame -- they are
the "accent of the future", the ones who seem to have realized that it is
their heart, hands and head which will change the future.

Sadly, my own ability tells me that I am not (yet?) amoung the latter
group. I hope that my spark is comming, rather than going, but, despite
hundreds of hours of self-analysis, I'm damned if I can tell!

Where is my buddha-nature?

... I fear that I have knowledge of Buddhism without understanding. Sure,
yes, the buddha nature is inside me, but where? I have found the truth,
but it is not mine!