virus: THE BIG LIE
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 02:20:31 EDT

why religions work:
history is a lie and it all started 13 years ago on a cold november afternoon!
and id really appreciate if everyone stopped propagating this lie by thinking
up all these "events" and "people" who have "died!" you think you can hide
your lies by making them more complex! well ya didnt fool me! i know whats
really going on! someones tinkerin with yer mind! using you to spread the
lie. i think you know youre being used, i think you like being part of this
lie. you thought you could confuse me! well you were wrong! i figured it
all out! and you cant prove me wrong! because i cant possibly be wrong!

we all live out personal delusions, reality is a lie. when someone lives a
delusion it becomes the truth. what is the whole truth? we can never know,
because *he* hasnt been born yet to add his delusion. if people think there
is a god then there must be because otherwise they wouldnt think it! so ive
gotten over the fact that ive been wrong about the god thing (ye there is a
god) but i dont really believe in their god. personally, i think i am god,
anyone agree?
~the great tinkerer
NO I AM NOT DISTURBED!!!!!!!! (nor am i on any drugs)