Re: virus: Spirituality?

B. Lane Robertson (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 22:34:22 PDT

I prefer that a meme be defined as: Any unit which
acts as the smallest appropriate example of a
patterned behavior. I assume by this definition
that a patterned behavior is organized such that it
replicates this *pattern* in other units of
behavior. I extend "behavior" to include the
behavior of quantums, particles, atoms, elements,
molecules, inorganics, organics, individuals,
groups, cultures, and civilizations... concepts,
symbols, words, art, etc. While I assume that the
pattern of behavior noted at the quantum level can
also be studied as to its effect at the level of
civilizations (that the pattern might be said to
replicate from quantum to civilization according to
hows and whys); I also assume that for an organic
chemist, studying the replication of individual
patterns between individuals, or from individuals to
groups is not an *appropriate* study.

I personally like to skip the "behavior" of things
and groups and go right to the "behavior of
symbols". I would like to help devise the
*language* of memetics (understanding that a
language is an organization of symbols which act in
a patterned way-- and that these patterns evolve
from a conceptual level, to a symbolic level, to a
personal, interpersonal, group, cultural,
civilizational, etc., level... according to these
particular "units" of transmission*).

The question of art being-- or not being-- an
appropriate concern in the study of symbols is a
good one. I think the distinction between mystery
and mastery-- though-- helps define what art is and
how it might be replicated: That is, if art is
defied-- AND PURSUED-- for its ability to inspire
*mystery*; then, the defining characteristic of GOOD
art would be that it does NOT replicate (that it
defy transmission). On the other hand, the
*mastery* of words-- by definition-- assumes that
the meaning will be imparted to a listener in such a
way that they can replicate it.

As to "conceit": If "art" is about "self" (as Wade
states). It would seem that ART is the ultimate in
conceit-- rather than words.

*yet the "meme", being at heart the *pattern* rather
than the behavior, can only be observed in its
behavior according to the unit studied (and between
units)-- EXCEPT: At the level of "symbol", where a
fixed pattern can be set-down and studied which has
contained in it the elements which work together to
replicate this pattern (like saying that in a
sentence are the words and the grammar which impart
the "meaning" of the pattern to another speaker who
repeats this *pattern* using a different behavior or
different words-- but the sentence itself can be
written down and studied as a fixed symbolic form of
the pattern whose elements are contained in it in a
way that they might illustrate the "meaning" of the

B. Lane Robertson
Indiana, USA
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