RE: virus: avocados

Eva-Lise Carlstrom (
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 16:27:16 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Wade T.Smith wrote:

> >I'm surprised no one's mentioned that avocados are the most nutritious
> >fruit. I got that from a Trivial Pursuit card a few years back. That's
> >really all I have ever known about avocados, until now that is.
> And for a long while, kitchen appliances came in no other color....
> The first edition of Trivial Pursuit had a few complete falsehoods BTW-
> supposedly corrected in later editions.
> I'll wait for our resident carrot-topped botanist to ascertain the
> nutritive content of the slimy green things.

Are you referring to me, or is someone here actually a red-headed

Avocados are higher in potassium than bananas, very high in folates (B
vitamins), antioxidants, and fiber, and rich in monounsaturated fats (the
kind that lower your "bad cholesterol"). This info, which I have read
elsewhere as well, is from the California Avocado Commission at I'd give you exact numbers, but the nutritional
calculator at You Are What You Eat appears to have a misdirected DNS entry
right now and is stuck in a loop.
