Re: virus: Newsweek - Science finds God

Eric Boyd (
Sun, 02 Aug 1998 18:52:17 -0400


Robin Faichney <> wrote:
> But Einstein didn't like quantum physics, which is where
> the ordered regularity disappears. It just occurred to me,
> surely someone somewhere has argued that the intrinsic
> randomness of quantum events allows God to interact with
> His creation? Anyone come across this suggestion before?
> (Of course, if such events were guided by God, they wouldn't
> really be random -- but they'd appear so to us, to whom the
> Mind of God is unfathomable!)

Well, I sort of ran across that. I found a site where an atheist had been
constructing arguments for gods non-existence -- and one of them was based
on the uncertainty principle. It basically went as follows:

1) god knows everything (omniscient)
2) both the position and momentum of a particle cannot be known at the
same time (the uncertainty principle)
3) therefore god is impossible (non-existent)

However, the atheist had promptly seen his mistake and falsified his own
argument by the same mental gymnastics you went through above.

It is interesting how one can approach the same idea from different