Re: virus: cool

Nathaniel Hall (natehall@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 07:02:56 -0600

Tim Rhodes wrote:
> Nate writes:
> >If a mad man went into a McDonalds and sprayed the dinners with bullets,
> >would you say "cool" ?
> In the company I keep, "cool", an invaluable word suited to an endless
> number of applications, is just as often used in the dismissive--as a
> shorthand for, "That's nice, but I really don't care. Next topic, please."
> So, yes. The odds are, I would say "cool" if some McCustomers were mowed
> down by a madman. (Either that or, "Oh, the humanity!" :-)
> -Prof. Tim

Unfortunately for me I knew that a word generated by popular culture
like "cool" is generally quite vague and subject to all sorts of
meanings. Figures someone like you (and Robin) would keep me honest.
Nate H.
( I think it's cool how spontaneous order can come to such vague memes
over time though, that is, a standard definition does eventually occur)