Re: virus: Extrocranial Memes

Wade T.Smith (
Fri, 7 Aug 98 07:38:52 -0400

>Color is also in the brain (where else dammit?), but one can still learn
>more about it from a study of photons and wavelength than one can by using

Really? And what can we learn about the color _in the brain_ from a study
of photons and wavelength?


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging allows the study of the working

Color is of course an element of that reality that put us all here. Our
perception of it is of course in the brain. But you must grant that what
is color out there is not the perception of it. That truth is

And while a study of photons and wavelength provides us with some
knowledge about how the eye itself works, only fMRI and its cousin
techniques provide us with studies of the working brain.

Is not the study of perception a core pursuit? From somewhere inside my
slumber I think it is....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god."
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