Re: virus: Extrocranial Memes

Wade T. Smith (
Fri, 7 Aug 98 19:33:30 -0400

>Memes exist as information[1]. Period.

Says who? If I declare that memes are the base activity of the brain
during non-autonomous behavior, and also devise a technique to study this
assertion, who is closer to this thing?

(Remember, no-one has brought one home to meet mother yet....)

And then you present us with this definition of 'information'- after
having imbibed some Brett-juice, no doubt, with all its flaunting of
Occam and all its hysterical non-repeatability, and all of its
unrelatedness to established usage, until I wonder if you are not the
head of some tantric therapeutic touch cult, living on orgone energy and
passing on your secrets to the astral beings currently encapsulated in
the hollow earth....

>[1] Information: differences in matter-energy (inked pages, sound waves
>traveling through air, electrical current in a copper wire, etc.)

in-for-ma-tion n.
1. Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.
2. Knowledge of a specific event or situation; intelligence.
3. A collection of facts or data.
4. The act of informing or the condition of being informed; communication
of knowledge.
5. Computer Science. A nonaccidental signal or character used as an input
to a computer or communications system.
6. A numerical measure of the uncertainty of an experimental outcome.
7. Law. A formal accusation of a crime made by a public officer rather
than by grand jury indictment.

I think it's time to get drunk again....

Wade T. Smith | "There ain't nothin' you | shouldn't do to a god."
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