Re: virus: Memetic Engineering

Nathaniel Hall (natehall@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 18:33:55 -0600

Richard Brodie wrote:
> I wrote:
> >
> > You claim I am equivocating; I claim you are being disingenuous. What is
> an
> > example of a case where, in your eyes, another mind has an equally valid,
> > but conflicting, model of reality from your own?
> Nate Hall wrote:
> <<There is none. Either I'm right, the other guy is right, or we are both
> wrong. Unless you believe that contradictions can exist no other
> possibilities are allowed. That's two different models but only one, at
> most, that can be correct.>>
> Wade wrote:
> <<Where is an example of where this is not the case?>>
> You two guys want to duke it out among yourselves?
> Richard Brodie

I gave what I had written a little more thought and I shall take this
opportunity to clear up a few things. If what one considers is one
particular aspect of reality, like , for example, " water is made of
molecules composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom" then what
I said still applies . However a mind is composed of a great many
particular beliefs, some right, some wrong. If two minds had the same
error rate they would be equally valid overall but could still have

Nate Hall