Re: virus: Infidels of the world ignite!

Zloduska (
Sat, 15 Aug 1998 01:45:29 -0500

Bill ballyhooed-
>Oh my gosh, Im gonna have to switch churches - Have you ever written
peotry, or a
Unfortunately for me, my university has NO Creative Writing major! What
shitty poetry I've written I keep to myself, I'm too much of a
procrastinator to write a book, I love short stories and SO, and so, the
bulk of my writing appears when I email poor, defenseless souls in the
middle of the night, write letters, or when I post to forums and the Usenet
I have a source, you see. You may know it as that precious time when
thoughts begin to melt and eye balls start to rotate, when your mind has
long since evaporated and begins to puddle, and lo and behold- out pour
nonsensical pseudo-poetic ramblings! (gobbley-gook for all you rabid
'gobbley-gook' fans like the poster formerly known as FallAwake) Call it
sleep deprivation if you will, but dammit, to me it is inspiration! I'm a
night creature anyway.

>wow - Sorry Nate, but there are shotguns at your house, and Kristee sure
nuf writes
>real purdy

Well Nate can covet the crown. I'm moving today and then will be absent
for a week or two, after which time I'll be neck-deep in email, and so I
must resign my Infidel duties. Being -second- ain't that bad, Nate! He he
heh. Just kidding. ;-)


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