Re: virus: New List Member

C.A. Cook (
Sun, 30 Aug 1998 13:55:08 -0500

Welcome aboard, Bones!

There are many that say that memetics is not a
science, and honestly, it isn't. I see memetics as
what you will find if you could track information.
Sort of like etymology , but all kinds of ideas, not
just words. The idea behind memetics is that if
you could do this, you would find that ideas
spread, reproduce, and compete following
the rules of evolution. Of course, in transmission
there are all kinds of mutation going on, so
two people never really hold the same idea.
But if you could track the macro movements
of an idea, I'm sure that the study of memes
would be justified.

This of course is just my opinion. Even then,
that isn't my opinion. It's what I wrote trying to
get my opinion across. Whether or not you
can grasp my idea depends on several things
like you having already been exposed to
the idea of evolution. It also depends on whether
I was able to type coherently. Looking back,
I suspect that I wasn't. I guess I'll send it anyway,
and just see what happens.
