Re: virus: New List Member

Robin Faichney (
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 08:29:12 +0100

In message <>, Robert Moritz
<> writes
>> I suppose that in this
>> connection it could also be argued that If one had the right meme or
>> combination of memes one could achieve eternal life or big bucks;
>> hopefully both. Do I seemed to have grasped the Idea or perhaps I should
>> say been infected.
>Big bucks...possibly. Eternal life...hafta part with ya there. Humans,
>as with all other multicellualer organisms, have a life which
>unfortunately has death hardwired into the programming.

I agree with Robert here. But I believe there are some
among us who think we could become immortal by having
our "software" uploaded out of our "wetware" (brain)
onto more persistent and repairable hardware. It just
occurred to me to ask what these people would say to the
suggestion that all we'd achieve that way would be the
immortality of memes?
