Re: virus: Fwd: Jedi Mind Trick

Zloduska (
Thu, 03 Sep 1998 23:10:27 -0500

the great tinkerer scribed-

>um that was actually pretty cool and it did work for me.... im guessing

>well be hearing that the 2% that dont pick carrot are the world's level

>3 minds... i think im level 4... prove me wrong.

>~the great tinkerer

Count me in on the 2% that thought otherwise. You see....I'm all about BROCCOLI. Of course, that's purely religious reasons...


<color><param>0000,8080,8080</param>"Intelligence, like love, resists
definition or qualification but its presence-or absence-is particularly
easy to detect."

</color><color><param>8080,8080,8080</param>--David Backus;