Re: virus: More virian propositions

Tim Rhodes (
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 01:16:16 -0700

ERiC wrote:

>Memetic Axioms:
>1) evolution is the non random selection of randomly varying replicators.

A definition of evolution. Good idea.

>2) the world of language, knowledge and belief in [a] human mind[s]
>provides an evolutationary environment; a meme is the simplest
>evolutationary unit operating in said environment.

Seems too constrained an evironment to me. Are birdsongs memes?

>Virion propositions:
>3) God (as imagined by what you imagine most Christians believe, not the
>kind of "god of spontaneous order and complex systems" that neo-Darwinists
>might believe) does not exist. (David R.)

Our first proposition, the one that defines us as who we are, is the denial
of someone else's proposition? Isn't this kinda like defining "light" as
absence of "darknesss"?

>4) If truth is the goal, rationality is the way (David McF.)

Yes. (Conditionals make easy truisms--"If pigs can fly, the moon is made of
green cheese" is also quite acceptable.)

>5) "There is only one eternal truth (this one)." (David McF.)[1]

Come to think of it, all the proposals should be koans...

>6) Lucifer is the "bringer of light"

How are you defining "is" here? Like in, "God _is_ love"? ;-)

>Extropian carry-overs:
>7) No mysteries are sacrosanct, no limits unquestionable; the unknown will
>yield to the ingenious mind. (Max More)

Unquestionably true!

-Prof. Tim