Re: virus: If you're watchin' IT ya' ain't a part of IT (was: David's top 10 (here and now))

Robert Moritz (
Fri, 09 Oct 1998 09:52:09 -0500

Joe E. Dees wrote:
> Date sent: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 16:48:18 -0400
> From: sodom <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: virus: If you're watchin' IT ya' ain't a part of IT (was: David's top 10 (here and now))
> Send reply to:
> > Yes, but we know how the eye works, and we know what cells are rtecptive to what colors. We can compare only through agreement
> > or disagreement of what we see. Regardless - we can be sure that if I paint a sign red, you will also see it that way because
> > the cells in your eyes will respond to certain frequencies in the same way mine will. Somewhere along the line, the data from
> > your eyes to your consciousness will get corrupted - but in most cases the corruption will fall into the "insignifigant"
> > catagory.
> >
> We agree, except for the connotation-laden description "corrupted."
> How about the more 'politically correct' "processed differently?"
> Also, Most isn't All, and Similar isn't Identical. We're all people, true;
> we're still spatiotemporally, historically and genetically different
> (although similar) people.
> > I do agree that absolute verification that we see the same thing is not possible with my current understanding.
> >
> > Bill Roh

Haven't I heard something about strange attractors & this subject?
