Re: virus:"stupid" laws
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 22:15:28 EDT

'The (traditional) Church' teaches us that 'morality' exists in the world
outside of us, as some attribute of nature that was created and put in place
by 'God The Father', whose Will the Church declares itself The Instrument of.
And of course, we mustn't dare question the declarations of The Instrument of
the Will of God. (Ingenious logic, huh.)

But, of course, our various 'morality' codes, both explicitly stated and
implied, are human 'reaction programs' that are transmitted to us
(incorporated into our neuro-circuitry reaction-logic configuration)
'culturally' -- by our observations (experiences) of other's behaviors, and
of their reactions to our personal behavior -- and 'enforced' by our fear of
others' reactions to our personal behavior if we 'violate' such behavior
codes, we being a socially symbiotic species, and utterly dependant upon each
others' good graces for our individual survival.

Of course (and here's my plug), the Bill of Rights is a standard
('Constitutional') 'morality code' reaction program which is designed so that
we don't have to live our lives in fear of each others' otherwise arbitrary
'morality' reaction programs, and the reactions to our personal behavior (or
skin color, etc.) that such arbitrary codes may direct in others.

Let me know if you like that logic, 'cause I love it! :)
Chris Turner 10-22-98