virus: voting

Tracy Yucikas (
Thu, 05 Nov 1998 22:43:43 -0800

Prof Tim wrote:

>To one and all,

>VOTE TOMORROW! Get up a 1/2 hour early and vote before you go to work. If
you're >few minutes late for work because you were doing your duty as a
citizen, your >boss will understand. (And if

thanks for the motivation ... I decided to be a few minutes late ...
stopped and voted ... and felt very good about it

PS: word of caution "Don't take St John's wort for more
than a month or so continuously ... prolonged use MAY
have unpleasant consequences"

(I point this out because I made a recommendation
on this web-area for its use to allow dream-recall
... IMHO, excess use screws up emotional equilibrium ..
which I didn't know about when making the suggestion)

< it was either the St John's wort or the well-known
psychoactive ingredient in peanut butter ... go figure>